Eden Mills Writers”™ Festival literary contest winners announced

The Eden Mills Writers’ Festival has revealed the winners of the 2014 Eden Mills Writers’ Festival Literary Contest.

Entries are judged in three categories and the winner is awarded $250.

In the poetry category, Katherin Edwards of Kamloops, B.C. won for her poem, The tabloids shrieked Teenage Girl Births Gilled Baby. This was part of a collection entitled Five poems about living. Another poem in this collection was also shortlisted.

In the one-act play category, Donna Langevin of Toronto, was awarded the prize for her play, The Dinner. Donna is multi-talented; one of her poems was also shortlisted in the poetry contest.

In the short story category, Shannon Alberta of Toronto, ON won for her story Why can you not just glide over the snow also?

Shannon will be reading her story at the Eden Mills Writers’ Festival Sept. 14 at 3:30pm at the Mill site.

The contest couldn’t take place without the time generously donated by our judges. Sincere thanks to our poetry judges: Melinda Burns, Beth Anne Fischer, and Barbara Kenney; our short story judges, Jerrod Edson, Sandra Sabatini, and Suzanne Rintoul; and our one-act play judges, Valerie Senyk and Suzanne Rintoul.

 The Eden Mills Writers’ Festival takes place Sept. 11-15 in the city of Guelph and the village of Eden Mills.

